Storytelling Meant to Supersede the Norm

Pursuing Passion- Employment First Blog Post

The Pursuit of One’s Dreams is a Magnificent Thing!

Recently,  I have been reflecting on all the wonderful opportunities I have had in the last year. From conventions to Nerd Nite Denver to camps, and even collaborations with large publishers, it has been a wild ride.

I truly believe that all people have a career that suits their drive, motivations, and desire for purpose. I do believe that careers may change based on the point we are at in our lives, what we are seeking, and who we are in those moments. I believe that these career points help us to better reflect our spirit at the time.

Additionally, as a passionate advocate in the Employment Movement, I do recognize the struggles in the workforce set in our current point in human history. Many are underappreciated, unheard, ignored, and utterly mistreated.

Still, within all this pain in the human desire to persevere,  to overcome,  and to change. And as someone who is pursuing a career that truly makes me joyful, I send the kindness and hope that you can as well. As sometimes all we need is a gentle push to pursue the wonder of purpose

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